Tea is a beverage made from the clean leaves of various plants and is the second most popular drink in the world after water. There are several popular types of tea, produced using different processing methods that allow for varying degrees of oxidation of the harvested tea leaves. For example, green tea is made from leaves that have been minimally oxidized, unlike black tea, which is produced from leaves left to oxidize for a longer period.
Most teas are blends, meaning they are produced from tea leaves grown in different plantations across various regions of the world. Ionna Organic teas are tailored for consistency in taste and quality from batch to batch, providing tea drinkers with the characteristic flavor they have loved for generations.
Black tea is produced from leaves that have been fully oxidized, resulting in a richly colored beverage with a robust flavor.
Green tea is a traditional beverage in many Asian cultures and has become highly popular in recent years. Made from tea leaves that are lightly oxidized, it has a delicate flavor.
Herbal teas are prepared by infusing various fruits and herbs in hot water. This term is generally used for beverages that do not contain Camellia Sinensis. Strictly speaking, they are not actually "teas," but they are commonly referred to as such.
Other types of tea include white tea, yellow tea, and oolong tea, which generally represent different grades of oxidation and withering.